Pest Control & Exterminator Services in Everett, MA
Serving Middlesex County since 1984
Everett, Massachusetts, believe it or not, has quite a few connections to Hollywood. It’s the set of an ABC pilot called Boston’s Finest. It was the setting for the film Gone Baby Gone, which starred Ben Affleck. And the old Everett High School was used for two separate films –That’s My Boy, starring Adam Sandler, and Here Comes the Boom, starring Kevin James.
But when the bright lights of Hollywood aren’t shining on Everett, it’s a typical New England city that deals with that typical New England blight – pests.
Pests like:

Yellow jackets – Yellow jackets are a dangerous group of social wasps, and you’ll find them in some pretty odd areas. You could come across a nest partially buried in a rodent burrow in the ground (which is a bit of a surprise if you’re out moving the lawn), or you can find them within wall spaces or in your attic rafters during the warmer months. Their aggressive tendencies can cause serious harm to your family, so if you’re in Everett and you’ve got yellow jackets, call Colonial Pest’s exterminators right away.

Carpenter Ants – If you think you’ve got termites, think again – you may have carpenter ants. Carpenter ants, like termites, bore into the wood in your home and ruin the structural integrity. If they’re able to create a nest inside your home, they’ll quickly become a nuisance that is almost impossible to control without professional extermination. Carpenter ants are the number one wood destroying pest in the Everett area and should be dealt with immediately.
Colonial Pest provides low-cost protection from pests for residential homeowners in Massachusetts and New Hampshire since 1984. We’ve got more than 8,000 satisfied residential customers under contract for preventative maintenance.
If you’ve got a pest problem, call Colonial Pest Control today at 1-800-525-8084!